Sunday School
Join us in the spring for Sunday School. We will take time to walk through the scriptures with the adults and have scripturally sound games and activities for the children. Please make plans now to grow with us!
Ladies, let your light shine in G.L.O.W.
God Leading Our Women is our outreach group which is customized for you to be educated, equipped and empowered to operate in your God given purpose.
Bible Study
Join Driven By Purpose Ministries EVERY Thursday at 7:30 pm for Bible Study.
During the month of March, Pastor taught a series titled "All Cried Out" Recovering the pieces of shattered dreams.
During the month of April our Executive Pastor Lori McCauley will teaching a series titled 'Faith Basics 101'
Please join us EVERY Thursday at 7:30pm!
Dial 712-432-1212 Use
Code: 569516934#